SDA LOGO Has Been Changed

Everything is changing in Adventism, even our very Logo, they changed. This makes my heart really sad! People, we are in serious trouble, because we have been infiltrated and all of our teachings have been changed, even our very logo and many more things.

Brethren, watch out, because some of our leaders are the ones that are allowing these changes to be made in our churches. Thus we need to seek God for ourselves, before they lead us astray!

Notice these quotes from our Prophetess:

"It was presented before me in the following manner: A large company of heathen idolaters bore a black banner, upon which were figures of the sun, moon, and stars. This company seemed to be very fierce and angry. I was then shown another company bearing a pure white banner, upon which was written, "Purity and holiness unto the Lord." Their countenances were marked with firmness and heavenly resignation. I saw the heathen idolaters approach them, and there was a great slaughter. The Christians melted away before them; and yet the Christian company pressed the more closely together, and held the banner more firmly. As many fell, others rallied around the banner and filled their places." (Early Writings 211.3)

"A company was presented before me under the name of Seventh-day Adventists, who were advising that the banner or sign which makes us a distinctive people should not be held out so strikingly; for they claimed it was not the best policy in securing success to our institutions. This distinctive banner is to be borne through the world to the close of probation. In describing the remnant people of God, John says, "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus" (Revelation 14:12). This is the law and the gospel. The world and the churches are uniting in harmony in transgressing the law of God, in tearing away God's memorial, and in exalting a sabbath that bears the signature of the man of sin. But the Sabbath of the Lord thy God is to be a sign to show the difference between the obedient and the disobedient. I saw some reaching out their hands to remove the banner, and to obscure its significance. . . ." (2 Selected Messages, page: 385.2)

"We are in danger of becoming a sister to fallen Babylon, of allowing our churches to become corrupted, and filled with every foul spirit, a cage for every unclean and hateful bird; and will we be clear unless we make decided movements to cure the existing evil?" {21 Manuscript Releases, page 380.1}

Identifying the Three Angels. - "Christ is coming the second time, with power unto salvation. To prepare human beings for this event, He has sent the first, second, and third angels' messages. These angels represent those who receive the truth, and with power open the gospel to the world." (Letter 79, 1900) and (7BC 978.11)

Please watch the Video below to find out what this New Logo represent and please share this information with as many people as you can. Thanks and may God pronounce His blessing upon you for doing so...

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  1. It's hardly worth a comment. Sensationalized conspiracy theories based on no truth will destroy anyone who gets caught up in them. Don't forget Peter was crucified upside down on the cross because he didn't feel worthy to be killed like his Savior. I think that meant the cross must have been upside down so Peter must have been against Christ. I better tear those books and his stories out of my Bible! God deliver us from conspiracy theorists!

    1. This is no conspiracy theory and i pray God to deliver us from false wood and the lies you people are telling! God's people are in serious trouble and that is no joke!

    2. Hi "Anonymous". The conspiracy is real. The video is COMPLETELY accurate. The SDA church HAS been infiltrated by the anti-Christ organization and bears their marks of being BRANDED. Think about what being branded means.

      You may not believe the symbols mean anything, but I assure you the symbols do to those who have infiltrated the SDA church and placed their marks on the church.

      How do I know this? I am a defector from the very organization that has infiltrated the SDA church and marked it. In fact, before I left the anti-Christ organization, one of my assignments was to infiltrate churches. I know for a FACT that top members of the Satanic hierarchy infiltrated the SDA church in 1985.

      I see MANY SDA people leaving the ways of their Savior. They are too blind to see this. They no longer recognize the voice of their Savior, Jesus Christ.

      How does a church get infiltrated and have it go unnoticed by it's members?

      Little by little a "shepherd" can lead his flock away from the truth.

      Those who do not keep the way of Jesus Christ as their standard of living, will fail to know His voice and fail to recognize if they are being led away from Jesus Christ.

      I hope that all who by chance read my comment, will be inspired to make Jesus Christ Lord of their life. May you have the earnest desire to DAILY seek God, our Heavenly Father, asking Him to help you be more like Jesus Christ in thought, word and deed. Feed your spirit with the things that are of God. May you be God's light in this dark world for those few who are looking for that narrow road that leads to life. Far to few are finding it.

    3. Carolyn, I believe you! Satan sends his agents to destroy even the elect; God help us to stay in the Word, and the Truth as it is in Jesus Christ...Isa 8:20

    4. Thank you for sharing that beautiful scripture from the prophet Isaiah!

      Isaiah 8: 20
      "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."

      Here is one of my all time favorites: Psalm 1

      1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

      2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

      3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

      4 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.

      5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

      6 For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

    5. The moment I saw this logo, which was yesterday while searching for a new church in my new community, and I had to check it out. It astonished and disappointed me greatly. It is no conspiracy, it is true, SDA church has been infiltrated like everything else in our world. Even so, Lord Jesus, come!

    6. This is purely purely a lie intened to unsettle faith of believers in the SDA church. THERE IS NO UPSIDE DOWN CROSS Except one's imagination. after all why do you prolong the drawing upward? in so doing every drawing of a cross can be made upward. You aither are the same people you blame to have penatrated into the church.

    7. One question only. How many people does it take to create a conspiracies rewards? If our Lord and Savior gives us a commission to take to the world His Gospel, count the generations from His death until now, that is how many generations of who have plagiarized if they claimed God's Word as his or her own original works. The problem I see here and everywhere is the attempt to misuse plagiarize in it's true definition. Simply put, if you cannot change a word then falsify the definition.

    8. The SDA church started falling in 1955 when it first aligned itself with the Romish Church of Satan. Traces of the Lord's presence remained until the church rejected God completely in July 2015 by voting on Women's Ordination and electing a female vice-president. The true church of God does not vote on something the Lord has said, they simply do it. Those who vote, reject the council of God and impose the "doctrine of men"; all who are under the church are under the authority of a female. Which is the changing of the gender (which is LGBT) and when you change anything the Lord has said you are guilty of the whole law. Thus by failing to keep the commandments containing church leadership, the church has (in truth) failed to keep all the commandments, including the sabbath; thus losses it's mark of God and gains the mark of Azazel and will receive the plagues.

      "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."
      "For Adam was first formed, then Eve"

      1 Tim 2:12-13

      Just like the other churches the SDA church preaches repentance to needs it. So to does the church now. They are so quick to show the errors of others, while themselves remain inside the comforts of the Romish Church of Satan.

      They use the Bible to convince others, the same I just quoted. But they will not hearken to the Word of God. Just like their Sunday keeping friends, just like their LGBT friends.

      The tribulation, which is underway and intensifying, will expose their nakedness and hellfire will quench their hypocrisy.

      May the Lord have mercy on those who follow the Bible and not the church. Even though we fall also we acknowledge and accept the truth. Shame on those who utterly ignore it.

      "Get out of her, my people".


    9. Wayt a moment, they woted AGAINST woman ordination not for. How can you write somthing false like that?

    10. There is no woman ordination

    11. About SDA current logo, what "holy book" is green book? the green book is Quran. The three serpents around the globe means ecumenism, and numbers 666. Many years ago, when i first so this logo, i wondered, why the cross is upside-down?

    12. Why did they change THE GREAT CONTROVERSY TO THE GREAT HOPE??????????????????????????????????????????

    13. Sunday Spurious a Sabbath with a wave line spurious Logo. We been infiltrated way back immediately when sister EGW rested.

  2. Look at those in the bible who did not heed the messages of the prophets. Can one be so ignorant to continue to ignore the messages of our prophetess in this day and age. There will always be tares amongst the wheat in the church. I praise the Lord for the eye salve i have purchased from Thee o Lord. To see the tares amongst us.

    1. But why they take out the 3 angels in the logo

  3. Amen to comments by Oneil, Carolyn, and Lee. The truth of Jesus is quickly being corrupted in the church that could have at one point been truthfully called the remnant of her seed. Father, awaken your sleeping-walking saints!

  4. The final message has not yet preached.

    1. From 6:24 AM until 6:47AM you either wrote pages upon pages at lightning speed with the purpose of attacking E.G. White but I think the truth is these pages you have posted took you and Satan much more time then 20 minutes to compose. I don't believe a thing you have written and I challenge you to Identify yourself and your Home Church. Your words are poison and your purpose is clear.

  5. During the mid seventies, I along with many others, was doing work concerning the writings of Ellen G. White, the Seventh-day Adventist prophet. What we were all finding was disturbing, to say the least. It was not that others before us had not known about the copy work from other authors, that was done in the writings of the materials under Ellen's name. It was not even the amount. If we who were doing the research have made any contribution to Adventist thinking and scholarship, it was the extent of copy work that was not known before by the members of the Church as a whole, which we all uncovered. That amount was so overwhelming that it prompted the 1980 Glendale Committee called to review the evidence to state that
    Because others within the Church had from the earliest beginnings of Adventism discovered that Mrs. White had plagiarized and had said so, the fact of her doing so was never seriously challenged by the Church authorities.

    1. I will be perfectly blunt. Who that writes of Scripture has not used part and partial of God's Holy Word? Plagiarized? I know what the definition is and all of you do as well. Now, during the attack on the integrity of E.G. White, was any of this found information verified absolutely of any previous author's writings as being absolutely exclusive of origin and not words, lines, paragraphs and or pages of someone else that the supposed damaged and plagiarized party did of himself or herself plagiarize from another author's or writer's pre existing publication or private works? I think not! The purpose of the investigations were to incriminate E.G. White's ability, integrity and honesty. E.G. White was completely unreserved in acknowledging using partial and complete ideals and concepts as long as it was in harmony with God's Holy Word. E.G. White herself instructed all people, not just Seventh Day Adventist, to test all things against Scripture! Can God plagiarize God. How be it the Prophets and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ The Son of Man, who used Prophecies as examples not be accused of plagiarism? Did not Jesus quote the Prophets and was it not He Himself that had dreams and visions delivered to the Prophets by the Holy Spirit by command of the Father? Then if this is true, all writings in conjunction with Scripture and Prophecy are of the Inspiration of God and cannot be Plagiarized by the mouth or pen of anyone that carries out the work given us in His Great Commission. These groundless accusations or unfounded accusations or false allegations or false claims are as meaningless as making the statement that if I use a word from Webster's Dictionary, I am a plagiarist. Anonymous, I am not buying into your attacks along with any others. I plainly believe that E.G. White was in fact a Prophet and raised by God just as the Seventh Day Adventist Movement was to take God's message to the world since all other movements had been overtaken by apostasy and still are. Is there apostasy in our movement today? Without question! Will there be a major reformation? Absolutely, without question and it is the likes of you that will be shaken out. You may have some members that believe your, "I was once one of them", but I am not moved nor will I buy into your purpose. Our God is not a game player, He is God and whomever and however He choses, His purpose will be served. Served by those like E.G. White and other faithful that will not be moved. I know why your name is anonymous, he who you serve does not like to have exposure when it can be avoided. However, even you can repent but I suggest you do it quickly, time is short! Brother Timothy D. Horton, Sacramento Central Seventh Day Adventist Church, Sacramento California.

    2. There are many saints of God who have done a tramendous work on EGW'S integrity on her writings.

      You may find your objections crealy addressed in such work as. Messenger of the Lord by Doug. or EGW and he Critics. please take time to read.

    3. Anonymous:
      Whaterver your excuse may be, when you want to give glory to men and refuse to glorify GOD for giving wisdom to men (and women) are on Satan's ground.

  6. How much was plagiarized?
    The defense for her actions that was used up until our time was that the amount was the important issue and that that amount varied from 8% to 10%, depending upon which apologist one read or wanted to believe. It was not until the Church hired Dr. Fred Veltman to study the book Desire of Ages that the figure was raised to 30% or more depending upon the chapters chosen in the book one was using. After great expense and almost eight years, Veltman confirmed what other studies showed, that depending upon the material used from Ellen White’s writing, the copy work could be as much as 90%. In fact, Dr. Don McAdams, an Adventist scholar, had stated in the 1980 Glendale meeting that "If every paragraph in the book Great Controversy, written by Ellen White, was properly footnoted, then every paragraph would have to be footnoted." That statement has never been seriously challenged by any member of the Church.
    It is clear to any reasonable scholar that the Church has not dealt with the real issues that the many studies have raised, nor have they followed through with their first commitment that they would keep in touch with me and inform the Church as a whole what the real issues are. Instead, they have continued to cloud the issues of copying and plagiarizing with other less important issues, such as what is the proper interpretation of inspiration? The interpretation or even the thought of inspiration is a word and concept that theologians have argued and debated and even killed each other over for almost two thousand years. Administrators or scholars of the Adventist Church still have not answered their own hired scholar, Dr. Fred Veltman, when after finishing his study, he asked, why did Ellen G. White deny that she ever copied? Another false issue that is often raised is that she only did what all the Bible writers did. To raise this reasoning is hardly worth refuting, in as much as Adventists have always made it clear to the general public, if not the membership at large that they did not consider Ellen White equal to, or similar to the Bible writers and their works.
    The real issue, of course, is one that the Church will not or date not debate or discuss in public debate with me or any scholar who has studied her writings. But that real issue is greatly discussed and debated by scholars of the Church and honest thinkers and lay members who want to know the truth concerning the Church and its writings and its ‘Spirit of Prophecy.’ The real issue is, of course, how much was the copy work in all of her writings of human function and origin and how much of it, if any, was of divine origin or a supernatural gift from God? How reliable is the information contained in the books under Ellen White's name? A related issue, depending upon how one answers the first issue, is what kind of a God does the Seventh-day Adventist Church worship? Is it one who is above deceit and lying and one who does not need the words of others to deliver ideas and thoughts in the mouth or mind of another who has been copied, or is He a God who would play tricks and clever games on His creation?

    1. Anonymous! If Ellen Gold White were still living today would you do what your doing?... Can you plainly point out to me in person in her original letters her mistake?... this is my info: "My name is Khafson Ifa and I've been a student of Gods as long as I can remember. My email address is" If you don't mind I would like to meet up with you so we can personally talk regarding your claims. Its in my mind and heart not to be silent of Gods truth. So I wanna share what I've personally learned while studying alone with God of His written words. See and meet you soon. Take care and may God be the true center of life

    2. I have done some research some years back and found out that Ellen White did borrow from other authors. This is not to deny her gifting as a prophet, to me, that is evident. Back in those times, it was not considered plagiarism if someone used another's work without giving them credit as it is today. In my opinion, the Adventist Church relies too much on Ellen White's writings making her as an authority equal to God. Her revelations are utilized in a manner that can hinder the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit. Who said that Ellen White has to have the last word on doctrines, prophesies etc.? I believe that Mrs. White would be very upset with how her writings have been used if she were alive today.

  7. "I was shown..." statements copied from other authors
    This study, which I call HOW THE THOUGHTS AND SUPPOSITIONS OF OTHERS WRITERS BECAME GOD’S ABSOLUTES THROUGH ELLEN G. WHITE, will show that each time Ellen White said ‘I was shown’ to give the impression that God was speaking through her, she was in reality copying other people's thoughts and impressions, often word for word, without giving credit to her human sources. The study will also show that as she copied, starting at the very beginning of her writings to the very end, that even in her most serious, and some think ‘sacred’ ‘testimonies’, she was turning the suppositions and fantasies of those writers she was copying into her absolutes from God, as if she was getting her ‘insights’ and ‘inspiration’ from a higher source.
    No reasonable person after checking the references given and the copy work presented could seriously argue in public or private that ‘God’ had anything to do with such deception. If any other group or denomination on earth presented such information and writings and they were exposed as the study shows, Seventh—day Adventists would be the first to condemn the material as false and seriously flawed as far as having anything to do with a reasonable God. Indeed, they have done just that in the book The Great Controversy, supposedly communicated by God to the world through Ellen White. The book attacks almost every religious system in the civilized world but yet makes it clear that God only approves of those Adventists who believe, live and practice what Ellen White, their prophet, has said God told them to believe. If Adventist would confess that they have been in error in their assessment of Mrs. White and her writings, they could then go on to a more sensible approach by using what she wrote as instruction for her time, by men and woman of their time, reaching as they and all of us are, for a better understanding of God and how he instructs men and woman of our time. This is what I hope this study will accomplish for those that read it without anger or prejudice.
    As a former minister of the Seventh—day Adventist Church who was relieved of my Church credentials because I allowed the Church and public to know of my findings, what I discovered does not shake my faith in God or His plan of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. In fact, it was my desire to move Adventism away from many of its fanatical views given through the ‘insights’ of Ellen White. Recognizing the Adventist mind set, there will be those that will call down Heaven's wrath upon me and this study, as has always been the case when some one past or present attempts to change men’s thinking in any age about anything. Perhaps it would be well to quote from a well-known author, M. Scott Peck and his book The Road Less Traveled-. pg.46.

  8. What happens when one has striven long and hard to develop a working view of the world, a seemingly useful, workable map, and then is confronted with new information suggesting that that view is wrong and the map needs to be largely redrawn? The painful effort required seems frightening, almost overwhelming. What we do more often than not, and usually unconsciously, is ignore the new information. Often this act of ignoring is much more than passive. We may denounce the new information as false, dangerous, heretical, the work of the devil. We may actually crusade against it, and even attempt to manipulate the world so as to make it conform to our view of reality. Rather than try to change the map, an individual may try to destroy the new reality. Sadly, such a person, may expend much more energy ultimately in defending an outmoded view of the world than would have been required to revise and correct it in the first place.
    What he is suggesting is that it takes more honesty and courage to change than to continue to believe a White lie.
    It is very fair to ask the question: Did Ellen G. White, the Seventh-day Adventist prophet, receive her instructions, insights, information and wisdom from human sources or from divine revelation and inspiration as is claimed?
    In order to be as objective as possible it is only fair and proper to present what Ellen White herself said in public and in her writings as to her source of material. There are many such statements but only a few are necessary in as much as none of the statements, from the beginning to the end of her life ever changed from the thought that God was behind it all. Hundreds of ‘I was shown’ were used in her early writings, and no doubt was ever left as to who showed her what. It was always an angel of God or of the Spirit of God and not man. Note the following:
    “God was speaking through clay. You might say that this communication was only a letter. Yes, it was a letter, but prompted by the Spirit of God, to bring before your minds things that had been shown me. In these letters which I write, in the testimonies I bear, I am presenting to you that which the Lord has presented to me. I do not write one article in the paper, expressing merely my own ideas. They are what God has opened before me in vision --the precious rays of light shining from the throne…”
    (letter to Dr. Paulson; St. Helena, California, June 14, 1906, Selected Messages pp 24—37)
    “You have thereby insulted the Spirit of God. You know how the Lord has manifested himself through the Spirit of prophecy. Past, present, and future have passed before me. . . if you seek to turn aside the counsel of God to suit yourselves, if you lessen the confidence of God’s people in the testimonies he has sent them, you are rebelling against God as certainly as were Korah, Dathan and Abiram. . . God was speaking through clay. You might say that this communication was only a letter. Yes, it was a letter but prompted by the Spirit of God. To bring before your minds things that had been shown me. In these letters which I write, in the testimonies I bear, I am presenting to you that which the Lord has presented to me. I do not write one article in the paper, expressing merely my own ideas. They are what God has opened before me in vision.-The precious rays of light shining from the throne . . .”
    (The Testimonies Slighted; Healdsburg, California June 20, 1882, Testimony for the Church vol. 5: pp 62—70)
    And yet, in spite of these absolute, unequivocal statements, what followed in the next paragraph and for several after, was word for word, thought for thought, sentence for sentence, copy work from another author. Without giving any credit to any human source, leaving the impression to anyone reading that it all came by ‘what God has opened before in vision’ or ‘things that had been shown me.’ or ‘prompted by the Spirit of God.’ (read the White Lie by Walter Rea for these comparisons) Certainly this is a different concept of ‘vision or the Spirit of God’ than the Church has been taught in the past.

  9. Night Scenes in the Bible
    Daniel Marsh 1868—1870 Testimony for the Church, vol. 5; p. 68
    Ellen G. White. June 20, 1882
    We must not defer our obedience till every shadow of uncertainty and every possibility of mistake is removed. The doubt that demands perfect knowledge will never yield to faith, for faith rests upon probability, not demonstration . . .we must obey the voice of duty when there are many other voices crying against it, and it requires earnest heed to distinguish the one which speaks for God. We must cherish the impulse of conscience in the moment when it urges us to action, lest it cease from its promptings and we be left to the blind guidance of appetite and passion. If you refuse to believe until every shadow of uncertainty and every possibility of doubt is removed you will never believe. The doubt that demands perfect knowledge will never yield to faith. Faith rests upon evidence, not demonstration. The Lord requires us to obey the voice of duty, when there are other voices all around us urging us to pursue an opposite course. It requires earnest attention from us to distinguish the voice which speaks for God. We must resist and conquer inclination, and obey the voice of conscience without parleying or com¬promise, lest its prompting cease and will and impulse control.
    Testimony for the Church,
    vol. 3; p. 258, 1872—5 Letter to Dr. Paulson, June 14, 1906 Selected Messages vol. 1, pp 27—28
    I was shown that God has laid upon on my husband and me a special work. . . and many will defer their obedience to the warning and reproofs given, waiting till every shadow of uncertainty is removed from their minds. The unbelief that demands perfect knowledge will never yield to the evidence that God is pleased to give. He requires of His people faith that rests upon the weight of evidence, not upon perfect knowledge. Those followers of Christ who accept the light that God sends them must obey the voice of God speaking to them when there are many other voices crying out against it. It requires discernment to distinguish the voice of God. If you refuse to believe until every shadow of uncertainty and every possibility of doubt is removed, you will never believe. The doubt that demands perfect knowledge will never yield to faith. faith rests upon evidence, not demonstration. The Lord requires us to obey the voice of duty, when there are other voices all around us urging us to pursue an opposite course. It requires earnest attention from us to distinguish the voice which speaks from God. We must resist and conquer inclination, and obey the voice of conscience without parleying or compromise, lest its promptings cease and will and impulse control.

  10. In all of these cases, Ellen White is promoting her authority as the voice of God, her instructions as first from God. Yet, in spite of the fact that she is using the words, thoughts, and sentence structure of another, we are suppose to believe that God is speaking what she is saying. He is not.
    "Visions" originated with others
    The conviction or assumption that God was showing Ellen White all that she said she saw from whatever source she gleaned the information, started very early with Ellen. In a book written by Delbert W. Baker, a black Adventist minister, entitled The Unknown Prophet, Baker produces some interesting information. Foy, who is Baker’s unknown prophet, had his ‘vision’ from 1842—1845. On page 123 Baker states that Mrs. White in 1912 said
    “He had all these before I had them. They were written out and published. She indicates that at one time she possessed a copy of them.”
    In Dec. 1844, at the age of 17, Ellen had her first vision, which was full of ‘I saw’, or ‘I was shown, or ‘the angel said,’ it was a duplication of Foy’s ‘vision’ and on pages 95 and others of Baker’s book, a list of the similarities are given. The garments, countenance, eyes, legs, feet, crown, arm, hand, voice and some of the scenes are identical, often with Ellen using the same words. Only a few examples need be given of the many to make the point that Ellen’s ‘vision’ was not given by God to Ellen, but was taken from Foy. Wherever he claimed he got it, it is possible that she believed God gave it to her, but others did not always believe as she did.

  11. Christian Experience of W. E. Foy Christian Experience of E.G.W. 1846
    “I then see countless millions of shining ones coming with cards held in their hands. These shining ones became our guides. The cards, they bore shone above the brightness of the sun; and they placed them in our hands but the names of them I could not read.
    “There were countless millions of bright angels, whose wings were like pure gold, and they sang with loud voices, while their wings cried, holy.
    “Behind the angel I beheld countless millions of bright chariots...each chariot had four wings like flaming fire and an angel followed after the chariot, and the wings of the chariot, and the wings of the angel cried as one voice saying, ‘holy.’
    The Unknown Prophet, pp 10-11, 18 “‘All the angels that are commissioned to visit the earth hold a golden card which they present to the angels at the gates of the city as we pass in and out. Evangelism, p. 39
    “On either side of the chariot were wings and beneath it wheels. As the chariot rolled upward, the wheels cried ‘holy and the wings as they moved, cried holy.
    “And as the chariot rolled upward the wheels cried, ‘holy’ and the wings as they moved, cried, ‘holy and the retinue of holy angels, around the cloud cried, ’holy’ ‘holy’ Lord God Almighty;
    Evangelism p. 35; Spiritual Gifts vol. 1, p. 287

  12. In spite of Delbert Baker’s provocative title and his presuppositions about God and the ‘visions’ that William Foy was supposed to have had, there is no evidence given in his book that Foy was a prophet, let alone an unknown one. Nothing that he said he saw or what was later copied by Ellen White has proven to be true or a prophecy. It cannot even be said that the ‘people of God’ of the ‘visions’ had anything to do with the Seventh-day Adventist Church, as Ellen White would have people believe, in as much as there was no Seventh-day Adventist church at that time, and none of the rest of the events listed can be examined or proved.
    Perhaps one of the greatest shocks to the Adventist myth of Ellen’s ‘divine visions’ came with the publication by Harper's Row of Ronald Numbers book Prophetess of Health in 1976. In the book, Numbers documents dozens of parallels where Ellen White is paraphrasing or even using the same words, thoughts and language of others and insisting that what she was seeing was coming directly from God. But Numbers had only scratched the surface as the following references will show Ellen was copying not just from the doctors of her time, but from many, many others in every field of thought she wrote about, always making sure that the ‘vision’ or ‘scene’ sounded as if she herself was there to ‘see’ or ‘hear’ what was actually taking place.
    Even the "Testimonies" were copied from other writers
    Beginning with the first volume of the Testimonies to the Church, covering the period from 1855-1868, to the last volume nine, Ellen used whatever writers she wished to agree with and claimed it all came from God, but always to her first, never giving credit to any other source. Listed below are hundreds of references in her writings where she has taken and used the thoughts, words, and even the suppositions of other uninspired writers and made them inspired by insisting that what she was seeing and saying was coming directly from God. Time and space will not allow side by side comparisons as has been done in the book The White Lie, but anyone wishing to do so can do so if they are able to obtain the books listed, many of which were listed by the E.G. White Estate as being in Ellen’s own library while she was working with her helpers on her writings for the Church. The names of the authors that Ellen used are listed and where the statements that she copied can be found.

  13. Ellen G. White Authors copied by Ellen White
    for the Church
    vol. 1:
    1855—1868 p. 371: I was shown pp. 494-5 Marsh p. 90: Our Fathers House
    Wiley . pp . 29—33
    U. Smith, Prophetess of Health p. 112
    vol. 2:
    1868—1871 What the Lord has shown me. pp 60—67, 96 Look to Jesus p. 123
    I have been shown, p. 347
    p. 362, On Health
    The Lord has given me a view of some of the corruption pp 391,403
    409, 486 Cole, Philosophy of Health p.60-
    Marsh, home life, pp. 210,607
    Cole, pp. 266,267
    Miller, the cause of exhausted vitality pg. 114
    Cole, pg. 538
    Miller pp. 39, 43, 110, 114, 350
    vol. 3:
    1872—1875 In the view given me pp. 68—72
    pp. 138—142
    I was shown that God had laid upon . . . me
    pp. 258—259
    pp. 273—274, Elijah
    pp. 333—4
    pp. 368—370
    pp. 487,562—5 Cole, The Health Reformer 9—144
    Horace Mann, Cole, How to Live, pg. 135
    Marsh, Night Scenes pp. 68-70
    Marsh, Night Scenes pp. 200,334,339
    pp. 49—50 Mirror of the Soul, 1835
    Marsh, Night Scenes, pp. 58-62
    Cole, pp 79, 104
    vol. 4:
    1876—1881 p. 60 Biographies
    pp 144-148 Obedience
    pp.280—2, Spirit of the Lord
    p. 374
    p. 409
    p. 444
    p. 480
    p. 543
    p. 594 Melville, Sermons by Melville ii 3-5
    Cole p. 127
    Marsh, Night Scenes pp 47—9,203, 60—62, 242, 98, 45—60
    Gardener, Ministry of Healing, 1892
    Marsh, Walks, pp. 313—4
    Melville, pg 95
    Marsh, Night Scenes, 98,99, 101
    Harris, pp 150—60
    Marsh, our fathers house pp 190-1
    Melville, last prophecy
    vol. 5:
    1882— 1889 pp. 68—70 I was told
    pp. 118—121
    p. 133
    pp. 154—156
    pp. 204—206
    pp. 266—268, 270
    p. 314
    p. 467
    pp. 512—516
    p. 686
    p. 704
    p. 707
    pp. 735—736
    p. 737 Marsh, Night Scenes, pp. 201—204
    Melville, pp. 163—168
    Marsh, Night Scenes p 263
    Harris, pp. 150—156
    Harris, pp. 19,30,45, 48.
    Harris, pp. 9,98
    Miller, p. 27
    Marsh, Walks, p. 133
    Marsh, Night Scenes, p. 352 Secrets pp. 68—69
    Melville, p. 190
    Harris, p. 9
    Melville, p. 369
    Melville, p. 68, 83
    Harris, pp 113—117
    vol. 6:
    1990-1 pp. 58—60 He said
    p. 91
    pp. 185— 186
    p. 340
    pp. 349—5 1
    pp. 363—4 Harris, pp. 17, 20 xiv
    Harris, The Great Teacher, pp. 151—160
    Melville, Sermons vol; 2, p. 42
    Marsh, Our Fathers House, p. 104
    Andrews, J. N., History of the Sabbath, 22-pp. 105—108
    Harris, pp. 105-108
    vol. 7:
    1902 p. 16 The Church
    p. 148
    p. 159
    p. 276 Harris, p. 160
    Harris, p. 71
    Harris, p. 125
    Harris, p. 318
    vol. 8:
    1904 p. 15
    p. 21
    pp 177-8
    p. 201
    pp 259-60
    pp 309—310 Harris, p. 32
    Harris, p. 27
    Harris, pp. 107—8
    Harris, p. 112
    Melville. pp. 42—45
    Andrews, J.N., History of the Sabbath
    Harris, pp. 51, 278, 294
    vol. 9:
    1909 pp. 50-51
    p. 97
    p. 256 Melville, pp. 192—199—200
    Harris, p. 64
    Marsh, p. 16,134

  14. In this study we have shown examples of how all through the years of writing for the Testimonies for the Church from vol. 1 through 9, from the years 1855 to 1909, Ellen White was using the thoughts, words and structure of other writers for her ‘I was shown’. From the beginning with the ‘vision’ of William Foy to the end of her life she used the ‘inspiration’ of others to promote Adventism and her concept of its life style that was necessary’ to please her God.
    Ellen White Copied from…
    Saul of Tarsus, ... bore a leading part in the discussions which here took place. .this is evident from the fact that he was appointed to an important ecclesiastical and political office immediately afterwards.
    E. G. White. pp. 38—72 Saul was also present, and took a leading part against Stephen . . . after the death of Stephen, he was elected a member of the Sanhedrim council, in consideration of the part he had acted on that occasion. Conybeare & Howson pp 9-20
    An overruling providence permitted the apostle to be delayed.
    E.G.W. 194—206 It was doubtless overruled for good that it should be so,
    C. & H. 585—619
    Thrilling were the memories that they recalled of the days when the light which shone upon the face of Stephen upturned to heaven as he suffered martyrdom.
    E.G.W. p. 204 There must have flourished up in their minds many a touching reminiscence of the days when the light of heaven, which had once shone on the face of Stephen upturned to heaven in the agony of martyrdom.
    Farrar, pp. 519-20
    The memory of that scene, and of his own efforts, to secure the condemnation of the servant of Christ, came vividly before his mind.
    E.G.W. pp. 214—234 That moment could hardly be forgotten by him, but he looked steadily at his inquisitors.
    Conybeare & Howson pp. 621—652
    These words were not an outburst of passion. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit Paul uttered a prophetic denunciation similar to that which Christ had uttered in rebuking the hypocrisy of the Jews. The judgment pronounced by the apostle was terribly fulfilled when the iniquitous and hypocritical high priest was murdered by assassins in the Jewish war. But the bystanders regarded the words of Paul as profane, and exclaimed with horror...
    Ellen G. White. pp. 214—234 If we consider these words as an out-burst of natural indignation, we cannot severely blame them... If we regard them as a prophetic denunciation they were terribly fulfilled when this hypocritical president of the Sanhedrin was murdered by the assassins in the Jewish war.
    Conybeare & Howson pp. 621—652
    Here Julius, the centurion who had listened to the apostle’s address before Agrippa.
    Ellen G. White pp. 262—271 And Julius who can hardly have been absent from the brilliant throng who had listened to Paul’s address before Agrippa.
    Farrar pp. 562—573

  15. Conclusion
    Thus over and over again, hundreds of times in all her writings she took the speculations, assumptions, and even the fantasies of other writers she was copying and made them absolutes, and in some cases, by her own testimony, the words of the holy Spirit. It seems a deliberate attempt to use the works and words and ideas of others to make those that read her believe that Ellen was carried back in time and was able to read the mind and thoughts and intents of each situation and then interpret for God the times and events of those events she was describing. She does not, as some have tried to argue, follow the thoughts of scripture narrative, but is totally projecting the speculations of others as the thoughts of God.
    There are hundreds of other pages that could be given, each with its copy work from other authors, never giving credit to anyone but God and I was shown. An interesting aside can be found in vol. 2 of the Testimonies, p. 116, where Ellen said of her thoughts from a ‘vision’ ‘I was deeply impressed’. And again in the same volume p. 565, ‘Yesterday I had some time for reflection and now have a few thoughts that I wish to present to you.’ Had words such as these been given in the place of I was shown, Ellen White would not have reached the statue of infallibility that her writings did, nor would she have been canonized as we have done! Every sincere priest, every honest prophet, every devout pastor, when they have spoken or written, have believed homiletically, they were delivering God’s message, through them by all their 'I was shown' no matter how or where they got their ‘inspiration.’ Most congregations recognize that a person was speaking in the name of God, not God speaking in the name of a person. What a difference it could have made in Adventism, if we had accepted the same wisdom.
    A careful or even casual observation of history will convince any honest researcher that it is made up of the records of people, nations, tribes, or families that have ‘borrowed’ or ‘stole’ without returning or giving credit, someone else's, ideas, words, possessions or goods and land, and then they have claimed throughout all future time that they didn’t do it and have died defending their lies. But only a few have been able to survive, some with great respect and following, by claiming that God either helped them do what they did or at least told them how and where to do it. And why is this done in humanity? The reason is also very clear. We want to possess or control those around us and what better way to do this than to make God our partner and ally. Thus, we have the history of politics and religion since the beginning of time.

  16. Hi Anonymous,
    Putting aside whether EGW plagiarized or not, so far all the info I have seen attributed to her is accurate and has stood the test of time regardless of who wrote it.

    Perhaps the REAL issue here is not EGW, but that the information is just too dangerous for Satan's organization to have people today take it seriously.

    1. Carolyn Hamlett, Ellen G White did not plagiarize and all of her writings are inspired and they are being fulfilled to the very letter! It is the work of Satan to say she plagiarize and God is soon to punish Satan and his emissaries who are spreading false news about God's servant. Woe be unto them!

    2. Let's not be too nitty gritty on the logo. A logo does not save you but the grace of Jesus Christ provided you believe.

    3. Let's not be too nitty gritty on the logo. A logo does not save you but the grace of Jesus Christ provided you believe.

    4. EG White stated God's word will be attacked, His character will be attacked and her writing will be attacked, I do believe she was inspired she always upheld the truth and if we would all study the word of God we would know, The word of God says you can tell a real prophet from a false,. I know the devil is working hard on the very elect that is why it is important to study the Bible. She confirms what the word of God says, and I believe she was chosen by God. We are to prove all things and so far her writings have come true.

  17. In 5 Pacific Island countries including Samoa ,Tonga SDA members now keep Sunbday as a direct order from the Sth Pacific Division .For 3 yrs now 95% of the SDA Members in Samoa now keep Sunday.

    1. Doug tasi , in those 5 pacific island including samoa all the churches as well the seventh day adventists are kepping the sabbath day.check when they changed one day ahead becauae they are closer to asia and not the American continent . For them when friday comes in australia was already saturday and when monday comes in Australia in those islands were Sunday. The way i can see it all churches keeps the same day as the seventh day. You can say its sunday but facts still saturday.

  18. My brother, if you are teaching that the Seventh-day Adventist Church is Babylon, you are wrong.--TM 50, 58, 59 (1893).

  19. Lady Anonymous 2 writes:
    Ellen White used others' writings when what they said explained what she saw better than she knew how to describe it. She said so herself. That was a common practice in her time and was considered a complement to the original author.

    This was not however a majority of her writings. It was part of her writings about historical facts.

    1. If one looks at her education which was minimal due to I'll health then I think at her level of education to do what she did is truly a miracle.

  20. Wow! My dad has told me about these things, but to see them for real, wow!!!!

  21. Dear brothers we need to follow our God Creator. Look Jesucrist with open arm . We don't need a logo.
    If you a real SDA may you knowns what happen with the 3 Angel logo. It changed in 2008 ur late with this issue. God bless you & I see you in Heaven!!! ��

  22. It's all in the way you look at the Logo. To me it stops just in line with the book. I do love reading conspiracy theories though!

  23. Dear brothers and sisters its time
    be ready for the coming of our lord
    may you be blessed .

  24. Believe in Jesus Christ he is our Savior! The Holy words of Christ should be the only instructions a child of God needs. Legalism , is what our Lord preached against, remember?

  25. Believe in Jesus Christ he is our Savior! The Holy words of Christ should be the only instructions a child of God needs. Legalism , is what our Lord preached against, remember?

  26. it is a sad read actually... conspiracy theorists looking for the gotcha versus being followers of Jesus and reading His word.... the new Adventist logo does not have a upside-down cross at all... the flames wrap around the globe... some images have the globe, some without. the globe starts right above the bible...

    Please focus on being followers of Jesus instead of wasting your time being cynical and grasping at themes like this and believing your conflict, questioning intended undertone (satanic inspired by the way) is helping anything...

  27. "Take heed that no man deceive you......" Matt 24:4

    Isa 8:20 "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."

    In the final analysis THIS IS THE TEST!

    Notice there is NOTHING in God's word that says "Check to make sure something was not copied before you accept it"

    So this anonymous posting reams of denunciations and invectives in an attempt to discredit Ellen White is just absolute and utter nonsense and I am hoping those on here reading his/her red herring will see it for what it is - a demonic attack as predicted in Revelation 12:17

    Mat_7:20 "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them?"

    What were the fruits of Ellen White? Is her writings in harmony with the Law and the Testimony?

    This is the issue!

    The issue is not whether God gave a revelation to somebody and then to Ellen White!

    Criticizing her for doing so shows a total lack of how inspiration works.

    To illustrate, Mat_21:2 “...... Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me.”

    But wait! I thought it mentions somewhere “Thou shalt not steal” so what’s going on?


    If you were to ask Anonymous to judge the above doubtless he/she would be bound to have Jesus dawn as a thief since he appears to be taking something that does not belong to Him!

    So was Jesus stealing?

    Not if you understand who He was. “The earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it." Psm 24:1 ;1
    Cor 10:26.

    So here is the thing. If God owns everything in creation and He inspires somebody with a thought and then gives the same idea to His chosen prophet who was inspired to record it for the Remnant people preparing them for Satan's final attack, of which Anonymous' diatribe above is just a part!

    Are we now at liberty to start running around like a headless chicken and screaming “PLAGIARISM” which is the theft of other peoples ideas?

    would He not reprove us like he did the disgruntled laborers in the parable? Mat 20:15 "Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good?"

    So I hope people will see that the problem is not Ellen White or plagiarism but rather an EVIL EYE!

    1. Very true and A big Amen for that. Anonymous could even blame Gospel writers to have copied from Isaiah,Zachariah and the rest of old testament prophets who wrote about Himself.

    2. Very true and A big Amen for that. Anonymous could even blame Gospel writers to have copied from Isaiah,Zachariah and the rest of old testament prophets who wrote about Himself.

    3. Very true and A big Amen for that. Anonymous could even blame Gospel writers to have copied from Isaiah,Zachariah and the rest of old testament prophets who wrote about Himself.

    4. So are you saying that we should blindly accept Ellen White's writings without testing them? According to 1 John 4: 1-2, we should, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." Her writings are very inspirational and thought-provoking but not infallible. Since it has been proven that some of her writings have been taken from other author's thoughts and ideas, shouldn't this information be disclosed? I am not trying to discredit her in any way but that is the proper way to handle this type of thing. If a prophet from another denomination were to use ideas from others and express them as their own, the Adventist church would criticize and condemn the act. The gospel writers did not "copy" Old Testament prophets; they preserved the Word of God because they had the authority to do so. Since Ellen White is considered an authority of prophecy in the Adventist Church, wouldn't it be right to consider those individuals she borrowed from to be in authority as well?

    5. So are you saying that we should blindly accept Ellen White's writings without testing them? According to 1 John 4: 1-2, we should, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." Her writings are very inspirational and thought-provoking but not infallible. Since it has been proven that some of her writings have been taken from other author's thoughts and ideas, shouldn't this information be disclosed? I am not trying to discredit her in any way but that is the proper way to handle this type of thing. If a prophet from another denomination were to use ideas from others and express them as their own, the Adventist church would criticize and condemn the act. The gospel writers did not "copy" Old Testament prophets; they preserved the Word of God because they had the authority to do so. Since Ellen White is considered an authority of prophecy in the Adventist Church, wouldn't it be right to consider those individuals she borrowed from to be in authority as well?

  28. why the logo has cross in it?i only know that US ( the SDA ) only use cross when we died.

  29. I believe the church is corrupted but not just because of the logo change. We must focus on Jesus and not trying to make mankind love us.

  30. The cross is not upside down. I took the logo apart and show it both ways and it's obvious that it's not upside down

  31. God and God alone, if we are all His workers in the vineyard I do hope our labor will surely help hasten His coming instead of playing the blame-game here as masters of our keyboards. He's counting on only a few, so are one of them? If so, let the conspiracy theories go their own ways and embrace the Bible and its truth and live a Godly life awaiting His soon return. A brethren in Christ from the islands of the south seas.

  32. Y'all need to go read your Bibles to know the truth other than wasting time on things like this that are there to derail you even more. The truth is found in His Word and His Word alone. Know His Word, Believe His Word and do His word and prepare for His Second Coming. Now is not the time to be concentrating on mere logos and videos that only give us more conflict among the brethren. Lets not lose focus on what is important. and that is our hearts in line with God's will and our willingness to do His will until He comes again. God bless you all!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Dear brothers and sisters, i think we should focus on the BIBLE and BIBLE ALONE, instead of wasting time and speculating on logos. If the THREE ANGELS MESSAGE is based on THE BIBLE what is wrong with the new logo of Bible carrying the light to this darkened world?
    May God help us.

  35. The research methods as per developed by top academicians in top universities are actually influenced by Jesuits...if you follow exactly the rules of 'anti- plagiarism' in research methods then the Bible itself is a plagiarised document/ book. Read Ephesians 6:12 ...we are fighting against the evil spirit of the world. Read also Ephesians 5:11-13 concerning us not to be partakers of darkness but rather expose them.

  36. The research methods as per developed by top academicians in top universities are actually influenced by Jesuits...if you follow exactly the rules of 'anti- plagiarism' in research methods then the Bible itself is a plagiarised document/ book. Read Ephesians 6:12 ...we are fighting against the evil spirit of the world. Read also Ephesians 5:11-13 concerning us not to be partakers of darkness but rather expose them.

  37. It has been prophesied in the bible...

    Psalm 74:4 KJV Thine enemies roar in the midst of thy congregations; they set up their ensigns for signs.

    Psalm 74:9 KJV We see not our signs: there is no more any prophet: neither is there among us any that knoweth how long.

    what the bible said, the prophet said...

    The Church to Arise and Repent

    Let the church arise, and repent of her backslidings before God. Let the watchmen awake, and give the trumpet a certain sound. It is a definite warning that we have to proclaim. God commands His servants, "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins" (Isaiah 58:1). The attention of the people must be gained; unless this can be done, all effort is useless; though an angel from heaven should come down and speak to them, his words would do no more good than if he were speaking into the cold ear of death. {1SM 126.1}
    The church must arouse to action. The Spirit of God can never come in until she prepares the way. There should be earnest searching of heart. There should be united, persevering prayer, and through faith a claiming of the promises of God. There should be, not a clothing of the body with sackcloth, as in ancient times, but a deep humiliation of soul. We have not the first reason for self-congratulation and self-exaltation. We should humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God. He will appear to comfort and bless the true seekers. {1SM 126.2}
    The work is before us; will we engage in it? We must work fast, we must go steadily forward. We must be preparing for the great day of the Lord. We have no time to lose, no time to be engaged in selfish purposes. The world is to be warned. What are we doing as individuals to bring the light before others? God has left to every man his work; every one has a part to act, and we cannot neglect this work except at the peril of our souls. {1SM 126.3}
    O my brethren, will you grieve the Holy Spirit, and cause it to depart? Will you shut out the blessed Saviour, because you are unprepared for His presence? Will you leave souls to perish without the knowledge of the truth, because you love your ease too well to bear the burden that Jesus bore for you? Let us awake out of sleep. "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8).--The Review and Herald, March 22, 1887. {1SM 126.4}

    1. Anonymous:
      When are you going to give glory to GOD?
      When you slender EGWhite and call her a pledgurist, you find yourself on Satan's ground.
      God gives wisdom and knowledge to whom He will.
      Our job is to accept His knowledge and use it to His glory.
      In Mrs. White days, writers would quote each other in honor (to honor each othet's literary work).
      The pride writers would not quote each other, but seek originality.
      We are not all ignorants, you know!
      Ellen White was humble in using other literary works in her writings.

  38. This is just too much...too much information for a non Christian or a someone who's first language isn't it not the main thing to repent believe have faith get baptised and turn away from our sins spread the word and wait upon the Lord...pure and simple..why and who needs all this complicated and way too deep information...not all of us...keep the faith!

  39. This is just too much...too much information for a non Christian or a someone who's first language isn't it not the main thing to repent believe have faith get baptised and turn away from our sins spread the word and wait upon the Lord...pure and simple..why and who needs all this complicated and way too deep information...not all of us...keep the faith!

  40. If truly the church has been infiltrated, then it must be by those behind this article, video and their circulation.
    "we are in serious trouble, because we have been infiltrated and all of our teachings have been changed, even our very logo and many more things". If this statement isn't falsehood, then i don't know what falsehood is.
    Beware of every form of falsehood even the very ones that claim to warn of falsehood.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Wow! That's some serious over thinking.
    This is what the church needs to watch for is nonsense like this trying to cause confusion and division withing the church. Making it sound s eloquent and pretty words even using Ellen Whites writings. Besides a logo isn't going to be the reason for people lead ashtray. Its too much time on their hands nonholy spirit seeking bible twisters within the church that are to watch out for. No truth in thus post. God be with you and give you a better understanding of truth and fact. And if you present truth than why you posting as Anonymous? The truth doesn't hide or mask itself.

  43. Wow! That's some serious over thinking.
    This is what the church needs to watch for is nonsense like this trying to cause confusion and division withing the church. Making it sound s eloquent and pretty words even using Ellen Whites writings. Besides a logo isn't going to be the reason for people lead ashtray. Its too much time on their hands nonholy spirit seeking bible twisters within the church that are to watch out for. No truth in thus post. God be with you and give you a better understanding of truth and fact. And if you present truth than why you posting as Anonymous? The truth doesn't hide or mask itself.

  44. Wow! That's some serious over thinking.
    This is what the church needs to watch for is nonsense like this trying to cause confusion and division withing the church. Making it sound s eloquent and pretty words even using Ellen Whites writings. Besides a logo isn't going to be the reason for people lead ashtray. Its too much time on their hands nonholy spirit seeking bible twisters within the church that are to watch out for. No truth in thus post. God be with you and give you a better understanding of truth and fact. And if you present truth than why you posting as Anonymous? The truth doesn't hide or mask itself.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. The flames are hebrew for 666; these flames are mirrored according to the general conference and in masonic numerology it is 33. The church has been infiltrated on the corporate level. I've done a lot of research into not only the president and the working policy 075 that was created after EGW death with the catholic church. The greater of the logo is a member of the boulder church and this church founded " The One Project" which I highly recommend SDA members research this project and their clear aim to brainwash our youth members away from traditional teaching and they claim their goal is to put Jesus instead of God at the center of the trinity. The teaching is so opposite of traditional SDA teaching it even tells members they don't have to follow the bible. These are the same people involved in the new satanic logo. Don't get me wrong I was all for removing the globe from the image as that is yet another lie the catholic church has pushed on the masses to hide our creator dating back to copernicus & also why all astronauts are freemasons and why all images of the globe are computer generated images and we have no real pictures of the globe from space. EGW even stated that she didn't want the church to take any stance on the shape of the earth and she was a supporter of the biblical flat earth. Which by the way would make the polar north star the center in which the sun, moon & stars revolve around within an enclosed firmament that divided the waters of heaven from the waters below creating the blue sky. Which we can view in time lapsed photography and antartica is the ice walls that bound our ocean which ironically in the Antartica treaty it states that no civilian life is allowed past the ice walls that bound our ocean. The SDA church has been teinfiltrated since the creation of the working policy 075. Continuing to attend their services without taking a stand against the corporate office and the general conference for this is the same as following any other jesuit run church. EGW warned that the church would be infiltrated by jesuits and that the members would have to take a stand to push the jesuits out of the church in order for the church to stand in the last days. I don't know about you but seeing an upside down hebraic 666 in the logo is kind of hard for me to ignore and sit back in sabbath service and continue to follow an organization that I know has been infiltrated by jesuits and do nothing about it...

  47. There's no inverted cross, this video will only mislead people. READ YOUR BIBLE, and you will find yourself in the SDA church, simply because the SDA church goes by the teachings of the Bible...from Genesis to Revelation.

  48. Brothers & Sisters in Christ, God is in CONTROL of His Remnant Church. Not all in the Church can claim the title of Remnant. Remember, wheat & tares must grow. Individually, we must study and memorise Scripture. These are the "last days" so be prepared for apostasy, serious apostasy. Matthew 24:13  But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. May this text encourage us to hang on for dear life...Eternal Life that is. With prayers....

  49. I read and read and it is impossible to answer everything.
    First : We have NO OTHER LOGO! In the article we see 2 logos supposedly one old, and one new. I am designer and I can tell you that the first logo will never pass the international standards and can't be our logo today! So why we are not happy with the only one voted and chosen from our church today? It is amazing, full with meaning!
    Secondly, on religious matters. I have read a book from which supposedly Ellen White have copy. I can tell you, this book was just boring! It was commentary of the old testament. So one of the chapters was "The tower of Babel", another one was "Kain and Abel" anyways, it was long time ago. So as I read the text wasn't copy. The book of Ellen G. White was beautifully written, with prophet insights and applications for our life. The other book was written as I would write it probably. The Author was not particularly gifted but wasn't so bad... It covered the same topics, and the ideas were very similar, but wasn't written with the same words but much better. So in that times there were no copyright, and if it is true, you can write it, if it isn't true, than you fix it. I can tell you, her book Patriarch and prophets wasn't just fixing the book I have read. Was not just developing it. Was not just 2 times better, or 10 times, was at least 100 times better. If someone understand literature critic, and the value of the different styles. It is a huge difference between one book which can become world classic and best seller, and a book written with no gift, boring but still can be useful for some people in the local market in that age. Yes the topics were the same, but if I was author who comment the Bible, I would also use the same topics, and share the same truths, because there is 1 truth! Only one, so if the author say the truth about the reasons Adam fell, I can not possibly invent another reason so that I will be original in my writings! Another topic is when you write personal letters, and you copy some devotional material from another author to some friend. Another is when you prepare to write a book and gather all good authors who wrote on that topic, and make remarks on their books, which parts are true, what can be useful, and what is not according to what God says. It is a huge work. You might write on 100 books before you decide what to write. So many times God was giving her inspiration what is the clear true message, and what should never be used. The same way when she was in the meetings and church committee and everyone is arguing, and she listen all day long boring arguments, and in one moment God gives her inspiration and she tell everyone that this what this brother present is the truth, and she explain it even further, but before this moment her mind was just overheated from all kinds of ideas. So I think God use this method first to see the variety of ideas, and when we beg Him to show us the truth, we can be thankful to Him, and this way the truth is even more precious for us. You know, I am normal person. I write letters, facebook comments and documents, but when I want to print something that it is the present truth, I am much more careful what I will send to the publishing house. I can have many test works, many scripts that I still think and pray about, how to develop them the best way. Hopefully someone one day will not take all my writings and state stupid things! This is private, Yes I wrote it, but it is not for publishing yet. I will publish whenever I finish, and it won't be the same book as someone else! I will write and change whenever God show me more and more clear picture and give me billions of details that the other authors probably missed. But also use the points where they were 100% right! There is no copyright for the TRUTH. I can't write something else beside the truth, just to be original! ...

    1. I made mistake in my comment. I wrote "But was much better", I wanted to write "But the book of Ellen G. White was much better overall"... I was disturbed for a moment, sorry..

  50. Brethren please my question is are we going to be saved by the logo. In fact this is God's church and the devil shall not prevail against it! Nevertheless!
    Where from all these explanations? Don't forget Jesus Christ warned against wolves that will come in fold in sheep covering. Jesus is coming again and this is the time to work towards our salvation as Paul said and to save those outside the fold. For me it is not the logo that is going to save me so please let's talk about Jesus christ and His redemption to the lost please that is our core value and to every Christian except those who don't want to go by the truth and has turned the truth upside down. Let's stand for the truth! Jesus is coming again!

  51. Please I'm sorry not to add my name, this is Blessed Richard Asante

  52. One question that needs answer... Which logo was used in the garden of Eden? And is there salvation symbols in Genesis? Putting in mind that the heritage of SDA is traced from the Old Testament church going thru 8 stages to the current Remnant stage!

    Answers in brief to the point no need of a composition make direct answers...

    Question from a sinner saved by grace

    1. Symbols are prophetic,as much we did not have all the prophets listed in the bible we see Adam and Eve. The only identity that existed was the Sabbath. There each dispensation has it's historic events guided by the current events. The 3 Angel Logo goes with end of time s message as revelled in Revelation.

  53. You can never hide the truth

  54. The banner for the apostacy!O God help us reposition our selves and repent.

  55. May God bless you all I thank for this message 🙏

  56. Thanks for the message, may God bless you. I have learned something.

  57. I was so scared as a new believe when I started reading the comments but God helped me understand something and learned new things

  58. Everyone who have doubts concerning the new SDA Church logo please contact me via email

  59. Dun Siope. from SOLOMON ISLANDSMarch 7, 2023 at 10:14 PM

    My people, go you out of the midst of her, and save yourselves every man from the fierce anger of Yahweh. Jeremiah 51:50

  60. Sister Gwen GillisMarch 11, 2023 at 6:10 PM

    The Lord tells us to be wise and watch out for this because many will be saved in the church in the last days I believe Ellen G white even talked about this they didn't ask the church on a vote of this this is wickedness and high places in the conference that did this wickedness selling your logo to the devil for another Satan the Lord rebuke you ell Ellen G white they said one day we're going to have to come out of The Seventh-Day Adventist Church when things like this happen my tie will not no more go to the conference it will go to the church as the Lord said in the first place for there be meeting my house real talk and in the name of Jesus I'm not afraid I will not be cited I will not hide my name I'm a child of the Living God

  61. Anonymous is fighting ellen white and yet stating her in the problem her writtings or herself. Point where the writtings have erred.

  62. On a slight ghtly different note, who among those here believe that God's Law and Eternal Covenant consists of more than just the 10 commandments, but includes God's Feasts as well?

  63. I would like someone to give me proof of why the logo was changed. The explanation is that they we being sued by someone else for using the 3 Angels logo. Document please, because we had this discussion in our church recently and our Pastor gave us the same explanation.

  64. The logo Plays a very important role to any organisation be it church, sports or any it's critical vital. One catholic cardinal said had the SDA kept their 3 angel's logo, the logo could have done almost 3 quarters of their preaching. Now it's even different for Adventist preachers to demonstratively preacher the 3 Angels message without an appropriate supporting logo. The Jesuits infiltrated us Long time ago immediately after the death of Sister White. May the Good Lord have mercy on us.

    1. Unfortunately the “unclean things” began entering the church before her death.

      The change of the logo represents the completion of the corruption and not the beginning of it.

      The Doctrine of the Trinity, which is the foundation of the Papal Church, predated the Roman Church and was modeled after the Canaanite religion. However its origin was in Heaven itself when Lucifer sought to be equal with the Only Begotten Son of God. Lucifer desired to become the third person of the two person Godhead. Thus began The Great Controversy.

      The church was warned that it was in danger of becoming the “Sister of Babylon” it is shocking to realize that it seems to have happened.


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