Proof of Creation - Evolution Is Not Scientific - Bruce Malone

I know evolutionists are not going to be pleased with this one, but it is full time now for these stupidities to be done away with. People need to know and accept that there is a true and living God and that, this world did not come into existence by any false, so-called BIG BAG! It couldn't be BANG! because it is a BIG BAG of rubbish theory.

God is my creator and God is the One who created everything.

My Bible tells me that everything was created by God and by God all things consist:

Col 1:16 -17 "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17. And he is before all things, and by him all things consist."

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  1. Unfortunately Bruce Malone is making a lot of mistakes about scientific facts for which he doesn't give any evidence besides personal experience. When an animal is fossilized, it is buried relatively quickly by sediment layers, which explains why out of the trillions of animals that lived on Earth only some several million were allowed to fossilize. It's not as if the ground were chock-full of fossils. Flood waters would have prevented sediment from collecting over animal corpses, making them much more likely to decay completely. This is also why transitional species are often missing completely; few have the chance to fossilize, especially boneless things like starfish. Malone is right, though, about the soft tissues. We don't know how that could have happened. However, it does not give us reason enough to believe that the entire concept of evolution and fossil dating were invalid. It's disappointing that Malone rejects scientific theories only because they are counter-intuitive. In all honesty, that doesn't make for a very trustworthy scientist.

  2. Creationism is the stupidity that needs to be done away with...

    1. Not really. Just their denial of reality. They can believe we were created all they want; and really, maybe God created us in his image... through Evolution. Maybe God said "Let there be light..." and then the Universe exploded - the Big Bang.

      The *literal* interpretation of the Bible is hilariously terrible; the belief in a Creator is fine.

    2. The thing is, what if GOD created the universe USING the BIG BANG? And also, the Bible says "A day is a thousand years to Him, and a thousand years is a day"... Evolution is real, the Bible says we change. But, I feel that something is not 100% correct about evolution and what we think.

  3. Is this satire? My satire detector is defective. If these knuckleheads are serious they need to be locked away from society

  4. Pick up a copy of The Magic of Reality, dude. It's geared toward children so maybe you can grasp the concepts.

  5. The bible is not a scientific source. It is a book of fictions and falsehoods, ever-so-slightly based on real events and ancient nomadic herders attempts to explain them. Your bible is wrong, but you believe it anyway. it's just as made up as all the other holy books that you don't believe in.

    1. It's a real book bro. All of my books are. Just you wait one day I'll find Where the Wild things Are

  6. Ohhh...the bible says it's real so it must be real then? Got it! No further research is needed everyone.!!

  7. Is this satire??? This has got to be satire..... there are not enough christians even, who are stupid enough to buy this... are there?

  8. I made it to "soft tissue in dinosaur bones" and I knew this was complete BS. This guy may be a scientist, but he clearly hasn't bothered to keep up with information on evolutionary biology. Try again dick wads.

    1. You guys had failed miserably and still continuing to fail badly. Seek God and be saved before it becomes too late.

    2. Google "cognitive dissonance" and "Dunning Kruger effect", you clearly suffer from both!

    3. Are you here to prove a point or are you here to criticize? You look very dim.

  9. I'm curious, believers. What created God? Do you believe he was created?

  10. Wait...he worked for a chemical company. We're listening to a chemist about geology and paleontology?

  11. The thing is, what if GOD created the universe USING the BIG BANG? And also, the Bible says "A day is a thousand years to Him, and a thousand years is a day"... Evolution is real, the Bible says we change. But, I feel that something is not 100% correct about evolution and what we think.


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