How to Make Your Shoes Waterproof?

To make your shoes waterproof, you are going to need a candle or wax, a hair dryer and of course a pair of shoes and some water to test if it is working.

Here is how to do it:

1. Rub the candle or wax on the shoes
2. Turn on your hair dryer, put it on high and use it to melt the wax or candle on the shoes
4. Set shoes aside to cold down for about 2 minutes
3. Now get your water and pour it on the shoes to see if it works or not.

Note: sometimes you might see water soaking in some little parts, but that is alright, because you just need to put some more wax or candle there and repeat the process and that's it. I hope you enjoy this tutorial. Watch the video below for the live tutorial and please subscribe or follow this blog for more help. Learn how to pick a lick here: How to Pick a Lock With Hairpins?

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