Catholic Bishop confessed that they changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday!

It is full time now for us to know who really changed God's day of worship to Sunday Sacredness. Many people are saying that Jesus changed the Original Sabbath to Sunday, but there are no records of this in the Bible.

Right now, you are going to find out exactly who had changed God's holy day of rest (The Seventh-Day Sabbath), to the unholy day of rest (The First-Day Sabbath).

Beloved, you do not want to miss this brief presentation presented in the Video below. Yes, a Bishop of Rome confessed that the Seventh-Day Sabbath was tampered with by the Pope or the Catholic System!

Please watch the video below and please share this information with the world. Thanks and may God bless you.

Click the Play Button to Watch the Video.

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  1. Facts will always remain facts, they do not change.

  2. YOU are EVER SO RIGHT!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. They did not change just a day, they changed the whole calendar, from a Lunar/Solar of God's chosing to a Solar calendar only. You can't determine The Father's Sabbath using a corrupt pegan Roman calendar. William Miller used the lunar calendar to determine the Oct 22, 1844 date, the "church" leaders since 1888 have been hiding this truth, and anyone who brings it up is excomunicated! Sound familiar? Put out of the church for revealing the TRUTH!!! The SDA "church" is fulfiling Ezekiel chapter 8, and chapter 9 will come soon, Ellen White said it would. If she were here today she would sound the call, "come out of her My people, that ye be NOT partakers of her sins,".

    1. its the 7th day Sabbath Yahweh said not a lunar Sabbath the moon was for Yahwehs feasts days....

    2. EVER SO TRUE!!

  5. Hi Anthony, this is one of many false claims by the RC church, like Peter was the first pope. This is no different from any of their other claims that are patently false. However, SDA church is eq ually guilty of many false claims as well, even in respect of this issue, as they have blamed Constantine, the pope, the Council of Nicea and several other persons/institutions at different times for the same thing when the evidence keeps failing. Sabbath keeping was discarded by early christians in favour of the Lord's DAy or Resurrection Day hundreds of years before there was ever a pope or Constantine or any Council

  6. Let's go back to the primitive church my people, let's go back to Enoch's days.

  7. There were Popes before constantine 1. Peter.2.Linus 3. Cletus 4. Clement 5.Evaristus 6.Alexander. 7.Sixtus 8.Telesphorus 9.Hyginus 10.Pius. Most were Martyred.Check the Jewish calander Saturday starts at noon then continues On into Sunday regarding the Sabbath or go look in Wikipedia.You can go to Catholic answers web page for a wealth of information that make sense.!


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