Oakwood Student Confirms SPIRITUAL FORMATION in Adventism

(SDA) - Seventh-Day Adventist President, Ted Wilson, Warns against spiritual formation and contemplated prayer, but ("Oakwood SDA University") Student Confirms that SPIRITUAL FORMATION is actually happening in Adventism, even though the president give serious warning against it.

People, do you see what is happening?! If you do not see what is coming, then you are in serious trouble and you better wake up and realize the time we are now living in.

The video below contains the shocking and terrible information about Spiritual Formation in the Seventh-Day Adventist Churches, so please watch it and share it with as many people as you can. Thanks and may God bless you.

Click the Play Button to Watch the Video.

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1 comment:

  1. This is a laughable story filled with slander and deceit. Why are you so bent on slandering the name of this church?


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