Believe it or Not, Atheists have a Belief!

Atheists always say that they do not have a Belief and the reason why they say such is that, they think Belief sounds too close to God, who they do not want to believe in.

My friends, Believe it or not, Atheists have a Belief. What?! No, Atheists do not have a belief.

People, Atheist "believe" that there is no God, so Atheists "Belief" is: ("There is God").

The video below will explain it better for you, so please watch it and share it with as many people as you can. Thanks and may God bless you.

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  1. No. Wrong. Atheists do not believe. That is the whole definition. Morons.

  2. You FOOL, atheist LACK belief ... Its like saying ... I don't believe in Santa Claus ... Am I know a part of the belief of non- Santa Claus religion? YOU IGNORANT IDIOT, get a life.

    1. Atheist lack belief, yet they believe. Ha ha. Very funny. Atheist lack belief, yet they *BELIEVE* there is no God.

      You have to *Believe* to have a *Belief* and Atheists *Believe* there is no God, so this leave them with a *Belief*. Period.

    2. anon you are engaged in a dishonest "attack" on atheists trying to define them as something they simply are not, get this straight, atheists in general only lack belief in a god, they don't "believe there is no god" how could this be that hard to get?

  3. Its not a belief, its an acceptance of facts. I do not believe in a god because there is no proof I can accept as evidence. For example, I don't 'believe' in gravity, I accept it as a fact because I see proof.

    1. The evidences you people see about God is just not good for you at all, but the few little false evidences that evolution give, you people accept it and run with it.

  4. Atheism is a philosophical position on a single issue.

  5. All these Atheists commenting if this was an argument about whether the tooth fairy was real or not im pretty sure you wouldnt waste such time commenting. If some one wants to believe in the tooth fairy why not let them? Go out and find meaning in your life o wait their is none.


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