What About Dairy? Should You Continue to Use It as Food?

"Let the diet reform be progressive. Let the people be taught how to prepare food without the use of milk or butter. Tell them that the time will soon come when there will be no safety in using eggs, milk, cream, or butter, because disease in animals is increasing in proportion to the increase of wickedness among men." (1902) 7T 135, {CD 356.2}

• Stay away from animal protein. Never eat luncheon meat, hot dogs, or smoked or cured meats. Avoid consumption of dairy products.

• Milk and milk products are dangerous, so they should be eradicated from our diet. Milk contains a growth hormone for growing calves large in a few weeks and months. It will stimulate tumor growth in human and cause cancer. The pasteurization of milk destroys the phosphatase enzyme needed for assimilation, and many allergies and digestive issues result. Calves fed on pasteurized milk die of heart attacks in 8 months, yet we still give it to our children.

• The synthetic vitamin D added to milk is one of the most toxic food additives known. Some of it unites with undigested calcium, forming calcified deposits which can be focal points for developing tumors.

• Those with cancer shouldn't use milk, with the attainable exception of two tablespoons of yogurt daily.

• Eggs can cause cancer. Many chickens die of carcinoma (cancer). It is known that the cancer germ can pass from the chicken into the egg.

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  1. THIS is why my wife is a VEGAN!! I must needs join her and eat the way she does!
    Richard Opp, on facebook!

    1. Thanks God she stop eating meat and i hope you stop eating meat as soon at possible also.


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