The Future Of Cleaning Your Teeth

Cleaning your teeth is a vital ritual you need to take part in if you want to look after them and still have them at your disposal in the years to come, but will cleaning your teeth look a lot different in the future? At the moment the only way to know if there is something wrong with your teeth is if you suddenly experience tooth ache but this is an unreliable way of identifying oral problems; not to mention the fact that if you are experiencing tooth ache the problem is likely to already be a big deal.

Technology is always making things easier for us and making our lives more interactive and this is no different in the world of oral hygiene. The act of brushing your teeth is evolving and this could see a decrease in tooth problems in the future and a smarter tooth brushing experience all round. So how could your smilecare change in the years to come?

Smart Toothbrush –
The Smart Toothbrush has been bandied around by inventors for a few years now but could realistically be a viable way of looking after our teeth in the future. This toothbrush and mirror combo would redefine your relationship with your dentist. Not only will it be able to scan your teeth regularly and alert you of any problems it might have encountered; it will also enable you to book an appointment with your dentist via the touch screen mirror device.
The display on the mirror will be able to give you in depth information about the tooth problems you may be experiencing and will connect directly to your dentist in order to make an appointment if you wish. If this does become the norm, there will be no more lying to your dentist and saying you have brushed twice a day when you haven’t; he’ll be watching you.

The Tooth Chip –
The tooth chip would work in a similar way to the Smart Toothbrush except it will be attached to your tooth and not in a brush. The chip will be able to monitor your brushing routine and alert your dentist should there be any problems. However this device doesn’t make the appointment for you, it just prompts the dentist to call you and arrange it.
These chips are hopefully going to be inexpensive enough so that they can be bought in bulk and used on a daily basis; much like floss. I’m guessing if you swallow it though it won’t be able to monitor your teeth from your stomach.

Stem Cell Teeth –
As science moves on and we discover more about the human body; it is perfectly viable that dentists of the future could be able to regrow teeth that have fallen out or that have had to be taken out due to decay. Scientists have discovered that by taking stem cells from the patient’s own mouth and combining them with cells from mice they can facilitate the growth of new teeth. This could be a big advancement in the future as it would no longer be such an ordeal should you lose a tooth.

Like a lot of people, Chris Mayhew is not the biggest fan of the dentist but knows it's an important ritual we all must go through. He is working for Smilecare who are a private dentist in Plymouth and who provide teeth whitening, dental implants and many other treatments.

How To Treat And Prevent Dry Skin

Xerosis is a skin condition that can be characterized by it's texture and parched patches. The dryer air and lower humidity during winter can trigger more often due to heating systems. You can normally recognize dry skin from the pink sections that appear on the arms, legs, and face.
When not treated appropriately they can become larger and more painful as they dry, flake, and become itchy. A few more frequent problem locations are the shins, the stomach, and the sides. Eczema and a number of other skin conditions can appear when the skin goes untreated long enough. These conditions can be passed on through genes as well. Skin becomes more dry naturally with the years that go by.

1. Use Moisturizer
Using an oil based lotion or cream moisturizer on a regular basis can help prevent and heal dry itchy skin. It is particularly important to use a moisturizer for dry skin before going to bed at night. It's also best to limit showers and baths to under 10 minutes to maintain the skins natural moisture. You should also use lukewarm water in your shower or bath instead of hot water. Using a more mild soap for the face can help. Also fit in a lotion for dry skin after taking your shower or bath and before going to sleep at night. Your body can also maintain its own moisture by consuming fruit and water.

2. Skin Disease
There are a number of skin conditions that you should watch out for. If you see your skin becoming scaly or flaky then you may be getting dermatitis symptoms. Seborrheic dermatits is a skin disease that can be recognized through rashes and redness throughout the body with more around the oily areas of the skin. Some of the common locations are the nose, the eyebrows, and the scalp. Contact dermatitis is also sometimes responsible for those symptoms.

That is the immune systems defense against a damaging chemical like those in poison ivy. Many people also have eczema. It also goes by the name atopic dermatitis. It's more common when it's in the family. Also look out for athletes foot which is a fungal infection.

3. Skin Cleanse Regularly
One of the first things that a person should consider in their skin care routine is their natural skin type. This is the most effective way to organize what products are essential. The typical skin types are oily, sensitive, normal, or dry. Every method of skin management should include regular skin cleansing. Everyone should find a skin cleanser that works for their particular skin type. Regular soap is only recommended for the body. Cleansers are a more effective way to remove dirt, makeup, and oils of the skin of the face. They're combinations of oil, surfactants, and water that are intended to clean the face better without causing excessive damage. You should aim to constantly improve your skin care combination with products that work for your personal skin conditions.

4. Use Regular Exfoliation 
The professionals usually recommend that people perform this routine on a nightly basis. Every morning they recommend just washing the face with mildly warm water. Using moisturizer makes cleansing a requirement for the morning. Warm water is needed to help the body clear its pores completely. After completing the usage of a cleanser the water should be rinsed with cold water to return the pores to their closed state. Many professionals also recommend a proper exfoliation routine with their dry skin cream for dealing with dry skin concerns.

Katie Rodan, a clinical assistant professor at Stanford University recommends that people have a exfoliation routine. This can help the skin clear the dead cells of skin off of the top layer allowing the younger skin cells to come to the top. That allows the skin to hold onto more of its moisture. That can make skin appear less dry and more healthy.

People that have sensitive or dry skin should consider moisturizing twice a week minimum and more often during the hot months of summer. People that have skin that's been hurt by the sun, deep exfoliants like hydroxies may become necessary. No one needs to use toners. Dirt, oil, and makeup can be removed thoroughly by just using a typical cleanser.

5. Sun Affected Skin
 Make sure that you include an effective sunscreen and moisturizers in your skin treatment plan. Many experts believe that it's necessary to use two different moisturizers based on the time of day. Daytime products are great with UV protection. A moisturizer for dry skin with sunscreen should only be used during the daytime though.
Nighttime moisturizers should not have sunscreen to help prevent excessive drying. A good sunscreen will include zinc oxide, avobenzene, and titanium dioxide in it's list of ingredients. The following routine should be used by individuals looking to improve the condition of their skin:
   - People with dry hands should apply petroleum jelly while they're using cotton gloves before going to bed.
   - Lotion for dry skin can be applied to nails if they're looking dry and brittle.
   - One way to help stop dry skin symptoms is by taking a bath of oatmeal. There are also a number of creams like 1% hyrocortisone that can be used without a doctors prescription. Use gloves and keep your nails short to help prevent problems in the future with your dry skin treatment.

Tsvetan Petrov is a health and fitness writer and he serves people with good advices and also check his blog for more articles like this one at Get Holistic Health

The Healthful Benefits of an Artichoke

Here are many ways to reap the amazing health benefits of artichokes. While many people's favorite part is the heart, it is the leaves that contain many of the artichoke's powerful health benefits.

There are ways to cook an artichoke, such as steaming or braising, so that the entire thing, stem and all, can be consumed. However, even eating just the meat of the leaves and the heart will provide benefits.

Here are several reasons to add more artichokes to your diet:

High in Antioxidants
Artichokes have more antioxidants than any other vegetable and they ranked seventh in a study of the antioxidant levels of 1,000 different foods. Some of the powerful antioxidants in artichokes are quercertin, rutin, anthocyanins, cynarin, luteolin, and silymarin.

Cancer Prevention and Treatment
Studies done with artichoke leaf extract have found that they induce apoptosis (cell death) and reduce cell proliferation in many different forms of cancer, including prostate cancer, leukemia, and breast cancer. An Italian study found that a diet rich in the flavanoids present in artichokes reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Increased Bile Flow
The pulp of artichoke leaves contains a polyphenol antioxidant called cynarin which increases bile flow.

Good for the Liver Thanks to cynarin and another antioxidant, silymarin, artichokes are very beneficial to the liver. Studies have found they may even regenerate liver tissue. Artichokes have long been used in folk and alternative medicine as a treatment for liver ailments and the scientific studies are now proving them to be correct.

Better Digestion
Artichokes help the digestive system. They are a natural diuretic, they aid digestion, improve gallbladder function and, as mentioned above, they are of great benefit to the liver.

Cholesterol Reduction
Ingredients in artichoke leaves have been shown to reduce cholesterol by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase. They raise good cholesterol (HDL) and lower bad cholesterol (LDL).

High in Fiber
One large artichoke contains a quarter of the recommended daily intake of fiber. A medium artichoke has more fiber than a cup of prunes.