How To Treat And Prevent Dry Skin

Xerosis is a skin condition that can be characterized by it's texture and parched patches. The dryer air and lower humidity during winter can trigger more often due to heating systems. You can normally recognize dry skin from the pink sections that appear on the arms, legs, and face.
When not treated appropriately they can become larger and more painful as they dry, flake, and become itchy. A few more frequent problem locations are the shins, the stomach, and the sides. Eczema and a number of other skin conditions can appear when the skin goes untreated long enough. These conditions can be passed on through genes as well. Skin becomes more dry naturally with the years that go by.

1. Use Moisturizer
Using an oil based lotion or cream moisturizer on a regular basis can help prevent and heal dry itchy skin. It is particularly important to use a moisturizer for dry skin before going to bed at night. It's also best to limit showers and baths to under 10 minutes to maintain the skins natural moisture. You should also use lukewarm water in your shower or bath instead of hot water. Using a more mild soap for the face can help. Also fit in a lotion for dry skin after taking your shower or bath and before going to sleep at night. Your body can also maintain its own moisture by consuming fruit and water.

2. Skin Disease
There are a number of skin conditions that you should watch out for. If you see your skin becoming scaly or flaky then you may be getting dermatitis symptoms. Seborrheic dermatits is a skin disease that can be recognized through rashes and redness throughout the body with more around the oily areas of the skin. Some of the common locations are the nose, the eyebrows, and the scalp. Contact dermatitis is also sometimes responsible for those symptoms.

That is the immune systems defense against a damaging chemical like those in poison ivy. Many people also have eczema. It also goes by the name atopic dermatitis. It's more common when it's in the family. Also look out for athletes foot which is a fungal infection.

3. Skin Cleanse Regularly
One of the first things that a person should consider in their skin care routine is their natural skin type. This is the most effective way to organize what products are essential. The typical skin types are oily, sensitive, normal, or dry. Every method of skin management should include regular skin cleansing. Everyone should find a skin cleanser that works for their particular skin type. Regular soap is only recommended for the body. Cleansers are a more effective way to remove dirt, makeup, and oils of the skin of the face. They're combinations of oil, surfactants, and water that are intended to clean the face better without causing excessive damage. You should aim to constantly improve your skin care combination with products that work for your personal skin conditions.

4. Use Regular Exfoliation 
The professionals usually recommend that people perform this routine on a nightly basis. Every morning they recommend just washing the face with mildly warm water. Using moisturizer makes cleansing a requirement for the morning. Warm water is needed to help the body clear its pores completely. After completing the usage of a cleanser the water should be rinsed with cold water to return the pores to their closed state. Many professionals also recommend a proper exfoliation routine with their dry skin cream for dealing with dry skin concerns.

Katie Rodan, a clinical assistant professor at Stanford University recommends that people have a exfoliation routine. This can help the skin clear the dead cells of skin off of the top layer allowing the younger skin cells to come to the top. That allows the skin to hold onto more of its moisture. That can make skin appear less dry and more healthy.

People that have sensitive or dry skin should consider moisturizing twice a week minimum and more often during the hot months of summer. People that have skin that's been hurt by the sun, deep exfoliants like hydroxies may become necessary. No one needs to use toners. Dirt, oil, and makeup can be removed thoroughly by just using a typical cleanser.

5. Sun Affected Skin
 Make sure that you include an effective sunscreen and moisturizers in your skin treatment plan. Many experts believe that it's necessary to use two different moisturizers based on the time of day. Daytime products are great with UV protection. A moisturizer for dry skin with sunscreen should only be used during the daytime though.
Nighttime moisturizers should not have sunscreen to help prevent excessive drying. A good sunscreen will include zinc oxide, avobenzene, and titanium dioxide in it's list of ingredients. The following routine should be used by individuals looking to improve the condition of their skin:
   - People with dry hands should apply petroleum jelly while they're using cotton gloves before going to bed.
   - Lotion for dry skin can be applied to nails if they're looking dry and brittle.
   - One way to help stop dry skin symptoms is by taking a bath of oatmeal. There are also a number of creams like 1% hyrocortisone that can be used without a doctors prescription. Use gloves and keep your nails short to help prevent problems in the future with your dry skin treatment.

Tsvetan Petrov is a health and fitness writer and he serves people with good advices and also check his blog for more articles like this one at Get Holistic Health

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