Vegan Casserole Dish. Healthy Meal Ideas.

To make Vegan Casserole Dish, you are going to need the following ingredients:
-2 cans of black beans
-2 Cans of yellow corn
-1 glass can of pasta sauce
-1 table spoon of coconut oil
-6 small potatoes, cut up into little pieces. (Boil on medium heat for 5 minutes)
-Add all your ingredients together and stir
-Put in oven for about 30 minutes

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1 comment:

  1. Hi I noticed in the middle of the night that I had a strong itchy feeling on my genital area after a few hours the itchy feeling spread and I noticed red bumps on the skin of my shaft I am worried that it is genital herpes for at the time I had a cold sore yet it was going away I am a virgin but I am worried it might have spread from touching my cold sore and then l saw a comment saying that dr.tamazaki can cure this disease l taught it was a dream then l decided to contact dr.tamazaki and tell him my problem after listening to my problem he said to me that l should not be afraid that he can cure me but today l am really cured from this deadly disease am so happy that l am free from it all thanks to dr.tamazaki you shall live long you can contact him on or +2348185277879 he is the best man l have seen in my whole life once again thank you sir for your help


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