Herbal Preparations. Simple 123 for you.

Internal Applications: Capsules & Tablets are very convenient for people who have no time to make their herbal preparations. Capsules vary in size “0” & “00”. The average amount of herb in a “0” capsule is 400-450mg.

Strict vegetarians can use vegetable capsules as the regular gelatin capsules are derived from slaughtered livestock.

Infusions are made by putting a spoonful of herb into a cup of boiling water and covering it for about 20 minutes, then strain or 1 ounce of herb to one pint (16oz) of water or 2 ounces to one quart (32oz) of water.

Tablets are made by mixing 9 parts of your preferred herb with 1 part (10%) of a demulcent herb like slippery elm bark with a little water. Weight is the general rule, but measuring by volume is alright also.

Preheat the oven to 250 and when your tray is ready with your pea size tablets of your herbal formula already on it, turn off the oven and put the tray into the oven.

Take out of oven in 15-30 minutes when completely dry and store in a cool dark place.

Tinctures are concentrated herbal extracts that can be stored for a long period of time.

Combine 4ounces of powered herb with 1 pint of alcohol (vodka 80 proof)
80 proof  means 40 is  alcohol and 40 is distilled water. Let stand for 14 days shaking 1-2 times a day.

Syrup is used mostly for coughs, inflammations of the throat and to soothe the stomach and the intestinal tract.

Add 2 ounces of herb combination to 1 quart of water. Simmer with the top off the pot until the volume is reduced to one half the original amount.

Licorice root, wild cherry bark, comfrey root, horehound, irish moss and fennel are some of the herbs used in cough medicines and syrups.

Decoction extracts the deeper healing qualities of the stem, nuts, roots, and barks by simmering (low boil) for 20-45 minutes. These may be allowed to soak for 8-12 hours in water before bringing water to a boil.

Preparation of 1 ounce of herb to a pint (16oz.) or 2 ounces herb to a quart (32oz.)!

Concentrates are similar to syrups in that you make it the same way concentrating then down to half or to one fourth and preserve it by adding one fourth of one of the following, vegetable glycerine, honey, blackstrap molasses or maple syrup.

External Applications: Bolus is a suppository inserted into the rectum or vagina to draw out toxins and to treat tumors, swellings, infections, cysts, hemorrhoids and inflammations.

Astringents, demulcents and antibiotic herbs are used to make boluses. White oak bark, bayberry root and yellow dock root are good astringents. Some useful demulcents are comfrey root and slippery elm bark. Good antibiotic herbs are garlic, chaparral, goldenseal root and myrrh rosin.

To make a bolus, slowly pour melted cocoa butter over the powdered herbs while stirring. When it becomes a thick dough like consistency, the mixture is finished. Put into the refrigerator to cool. Then roll into strips about 1/2inch thick and ¾ inch long. Then put back into the refrigerator so they will become hard.

Fomentation is soaking a cloth in an herbal infusion or decoction and then applying it to the body weather it is cold or hot for a desired effect.

Poultice is a paste of powdered herbs/clay/charcoal moistened with water or oil. It may be fresh herbs pulverized and applied directly to the skin. A cloth or paper towel holds the paste in place while a plastic is wrapped around it to keep it from drying out. Add cayenne or ginger for a more stimulating effect.

Poultices are used to heal bruises, break up congestion, reduce inflammation, draw out pus, toxins and embedded particles in the skin and to sooth irritation.

Cabbage poultice. Pulverize leaves and apply to the skin. This poultice will draw out poisons and pus.

Carrot poultice. Use finely grated carrots or pulp left over from juicing. Good for sores, bruises, chapped skin or nipples.

Comfrey leaf poultice. Mash the leaves and moisten with comfrey tea. Good for swellings, open sores and skin openings like cuts and wounds.

Fig poultice. Heat the figs for 3 minutes in a little water. Cut open and apply to infected sores to bring them to a head.

Garlic poultice. Pulverize fresh garlic and add warm water and a binder like flax or flour. Good for arthritic pain, pus and infections. Leave on for about ten to twenty minutes. Extended time may cause blistering of the skin.

Oatmeal poultice. Apply cooled oatmeal to a cloth/paper towel. Apply to inflammations, insect bites and rashes.

Potato Poultice. Apply grated raw potato to bruises, sprains or boils.

Baths increase or decrease body activities. Fill a stocking or cloth bag with 4-8 ounces of herbs. Put the bag in the bath water. The second way is to make a gallon of infusion or decoction and add it to the bath water.

Salt baths will relax the body and draw out toxins. Use 1-5 pounds of Epsom salt. The greater the amount of salt used, the more perspiration is produced.

A ginger bath is good for circulation. Use ½ oz. of powdered ginger in the beginning of the bath on very hot water. Let the bath water set for 10-15 minutes before entering.

A clay bath is good for detoxification and relaxing. Use 8oz. of clay in the beginning of the bath on very hot water. Let the bath set for 10-15 minutes before entering.