Cancer Treatment Plan

Cancer Herbal Treatment Plan:

Week 1 - *Tea:  Burbock, Violet, Chamomile (3 TBSP/quart), drink 1 cup, 4 times per day. Capsules: Take 1 Echinacea three times per day

Week 2 - *Tea: Birch, Calendula, red Clover (3 TBSP/quart), drink 1 Cup, 4 times per day. Capsules:  Take 1 Astragalus 3 times per day

Week 3 – *Tea: Pau d’Arco (3 TBSP of powder/quart, boil for 5 minutes), drink 1 cup 4 times per day. Capsules:  Take 1 Tumeric 3 times per day

Week 4 - *Tea: Yarrow, Licorice, Yellowdock (3 TBSP/quart), drink 1 cup, 4 times per day. Capsules:  Take 1 catsclaw 3 times per day

Week 5 – Essiac tea or FlorEssence (a proprietary blend available at most health stores):  take two ounces 3 times per day

Repeat from Day 1
*To make herbal teas: Mix herbs in large ziplock bag.  Place three tablespoons of mixed herbs in teapot, and pour boiling water onto herbs.  Steep for 20 minutes, strain into empty quart jar, and add additional water so that ratio is 3 TBSP/quart, and drink. Learn The Truth About What Is Really Causing Cancer.

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