The Herb Chlorella

Chlorella is an ancient plant that has survived the ages with each cell being self-sufficient and capable of all life-sustaining functions.

Chlorella is a single-called, fresh-water green algae. Chlorella's name is derived from the fact that it contains pound for pound, the highest concentration of chlorophyll of any known plant.

The hot extract of chlorella stimulates the production of interferon. The substance responsible for this is known as chlorellan, which is a life force stimulant produced by the excitation of macrophage activity. Several studies have been done on the direct and indirect influence of Chlorella on the inhibition and prevention of cancer.

Chlorella has been shown to be specific treatment for Epstein-Barr and Cytomegalo viruses.

Chlorophyll in concentration found in Chlorella have been shown to be helpful in the treatment of pancreatitis.

Chlorophyll in Chlorella has been shown to tighten the teeth, thus contributing to healthy gums, aids new tissue growth and prevents gums from bleeding.

Chlorella in granular form, has been mixed with water and applied to the gums through a water jet device to treat gums.

Chlorella has been shown to be an excellent detoxifier of such heavy metals as cadmium, lead, mercury, and copper.

It contains all the B vitamins, vitamin C, E, and many minerals.

Chlorella's biologic coding elements RNA and DNA, have been found to protect against the effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Chlorella contains a 'Controlled Growth Factor,' which taken on a regular basis, brings a noticeable increase in sustained energy and immune health.

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