Health Benefits of Avocados

Yes. Avocado has some amazing health benefits. Avocado is a very good source of fat, so if you are a strict vegetarian or vegan  and wondering how can you get more fat, then you need to consume some avocado and if you are already consuming it, then you probably need to consume some more avocado, but make sure that you do not consume too much, as it is always say: "Too much of one thing is good for nothing", so let us eat with moderation our nice avocado to gain some good weight. Watch the video below to get more avocado information:

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this great video about the health benefits of avocados!!! I actually love making salads and melts in the oven or even adding avocados to my omelettes... such a great tasting fruit/vegetable and I don't plan to stop eating anytime soon :)


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